TPG Diet


  • 2 Cups / 16oz Fresh or Frozen Fruit (not canned). Oranges, papayas, tangerines, pineapples, mangos, cantaloupes, kiwi, peaches, watermelon, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and cherries. Choose 3-4 different types. If you peel a fruit before you eat it, then cut it in half for your sugar glider. DO NOT FEED RHUBARB.

  • 2 Cups / 16oz Fresh or Frozen Vegetables (not canned). When using frozen vegetables, get plain mixes (no sauces or Asian flavoring). Chose at least 4 different types. Sweet potatoes, kale, collards, green beans, beets, peas, lima beans, carrots, jicama, bok choy, squash, red bell pepper and snow peas. Small amounts of corn, broccoli and cauliflower are okay but feed in moderation. DO NOT FEED GARLIC, LEEKS, OR ONIONS OF ANY KIND.

  • 6 – 8oz Plain Whole Milk Yogurt

  • 6 Tablespoons Calcium-fortified Orange Juice Concentrate

  • 6 – 8 Tablespoons Uncooked Oatmeal

  • 4 Cups / 32oz Unsweetened Applesauce (optional, may substitute extra veggies and fruit)

  • 6 – 8oz Cooked Protein. You can use cooked chicken (boil/broil/roast), ground turkey (pan cook in coconut/MCT oil), or eggs (scrambled in coconut/MCT oil). We do not recommend using pork or beef due to high fat content.

  • 1 – 2 Tablespoons Ground Flax Seed, Wheat Germ, or Ground Chia Seeds (optional but very beneficial form of fiber)


  1. Chop your fruits and vegetables into very small pieces. We recommend using a food processor. Remember the size of the animal you are preparing food for.

  2. Always cook your protein – chicken, ground turkey, or scrambled eggs. (No seasonings).

  3. In a large bowl, mix all ingredients together (save oatmeal for last). You want to make sure all ingredients have been incorporated and mixed thoroughly. You do not want a runny or super thick mix, but one that has the consistency of cake batter. Add more or less oatmeal depending on the consistency.

  4. You will want to divide the mixture in smaller containers to freeze. Here are some recommendations: a) Fill ice trays with your mixture. After they have frozen, you can pop them out, put them in a freezer bag, then place the bag into a plastic freezer container and take out to thaw daily to feed your babies. b) Or you can divide your mixture into 10 smaller containers and freeze. Each container will last 2 gliders for 3 days. You do not want to divide your mixture into larger containers because the mixture needs to be fresh when you feed. You do not want the mixture to be in the refrigerator for longer than 2-3 days.

  5. Sprinkle The Pet Glider multi-vitamin with calcium on top of the food you serve each day. Use 1/8th teaspoon of vitamins per sugar glider. Remember that your multi-vitamins with calcium powder should be kept in the refrigerator, never frozen. Stir your mixture after adding the vitamins to ensure even distribution.

BML Diet

1/2 cup Honey

Do not use honeycomb, raw or unfiltered honey. Most store bought honey can be used unless it contains one of the three words above.

​2 Oz. Gerber or Parent’s Choice
​Mixed Fruit Juice

2 oz. Dannon Plain Yogurt
2 oz of Activia Mixed Berry Yogurt
​(1/2 of 4 oz. container)
Turn on blender and add the next group of ingredients.

1/4 cup Wheat Germ

1 teaspoon Rep-Cal Herptivite MultiVitamin supplement

Blue label on a white plastic container

Can be found at PetSmart
2 teaspoons Rep-Cal Calcium Supplement
​non-phosphorus with Vit. D3

Pink label on a white plastic container

Can be found at PetSmart

2 2½ oz jars of Stage 1 or 2 Beechnut,
​Gerber or Heinz Chicken baby food

The chicken will say either Chicken & Chicken Gravy or Chicken with Broth. Either is acceptable.

1 Egg hard-boiled. Do not use the shell.

For the next 2 ingredients alternate them, a little cereal with a little juice, a little cereal with a little juice, going back and forth until both ingredients are mixed in.

1/4 cup of Apple Juice, just the regular apple juice that you and I would drink. Do not use frozen or baby juice, just regular bottled apple juice. You may substitute 1/2 of the apple juice with white grape juice.
1/2 cup dry baby cereal

Heinz or Gerber (Rice or Oatmeal)

***NOTE: Most gliders do not like the taste of the oatmeal. I use rice with fruit bits)

Blend well for 5 minutes. Turn off blender, then pour into Tupperware bowl or ice cube trays and FREEZE. It wil freeze to the consistency of ice cream.

1 cube is approximately 2 tablespoons, depending on your ice cube trays. Measure out your first few cubes by pouring 2 tablespoons into each cube.

This mix will feed 1 glider for approximately 1 month.

Do NOT mix the fruits and veggies in before freezing.


*** There is a very strict list of vegetables and fruits to be fed with the BML diet plan. ***

Vegetables: corn, peas, carrots, green beans.

Fruits: apples, grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, frozen pitted cherries, blueberries.

Do NOT feed the seeds of apples or the pits of cherries. You can use fresh or frozen, but do NOT used canned.

Do NOT use fruit slurries or vegetable relishes.

Feeding Instructions:

The rule of thumb per glider is:

1 Tablespoon of the BML basic mix
1 Tablespoon of fruits
1 Tablespoon of veggies

Feed insects in the morning as a snack.


2 jars 48 oz. no sugar added applesauce
3 Cups full fat live culture yogurt (NOTE: You can substitute freshly fermented 24-hour Kefir or your own fermented probiotic yogurt)
3 Cups quick cook variety oatmeal
6 ea. chopped boiled egg (no shell)
2 1/2 Cups chopped boiled chicken (or 1 1/4 Cups chicken and 1 3/4 Cups soldier fly larva meal)
1 Tbsp flaxseed oil
2 Tbsp Soybean oil (Wesson or other soybean cooking oil)
1/2 tsp Vionate Vitamin and Mineral powder
1 tsp Calcium Carbonate powder
2 tsp Taurine powder
10 drops Vitamin E oil equaling 200 IU – you can use 1 capsule of 200 IU Vitamin E per batch

1/2 Cup Ensure Powder (optional) – we add this for breeding/nursing females to help them maintain their condition throughout the breeding and weaning cycle. This ingredient is not necessary for pet gliders.

Note: If you use yogurt instead of kefir you will need to thin the batch with yogurt drink or apple juice to the desired consistency.

1-2 Tbsp of the above mixture served with 1 tsp sweet peas (shelled), 1 tsp mixed chopped fruits (optional), and 1 tsp mixed, chopped vegetables. Feed extra to nursing mothers and mothers with joeys in-pouch – let them be your guide. If they leave a lot feed less. If they lick the plate feed more.
It is normal for breeding females to lose some body condition during the last few weeks of nursing. If you find your breeding females having difficulty maintaining their body condition during weaning time especially if they are stacking joeys be sure to add the Ensure powder to the batch to provide extra support for them during this time.

GOHPW Recipe


1/4 Cup
(*1/2 Cup)
Wombaroo HPS Powder
(*for Breeding Gliders/Joeys Under 8 Months)
3 Eggs
2 Cups Warm Water
3/4 Cup Raw Filtered Honey
1 Tablespoon Bee Pollen
1 Cup Green Juice (Odwalla, Knudsen, Bolthouse)

Feed Nightly Per Glider

1.5 Teaspoons GOHPW Mix
1 Tablespoon Fruits
1 Tablespoon Vegetables